Making Peppered Vodka for the Gede Spirits

The peppered vodka should be a staple in every practitioners spiritual tool kit. As long as you would like to connect to your ancestors the Gede spirits can act as your guide throughout your ancestry. The Gede are a wonderful and lively group. As the ancestors transition, they automatically get sorted into the Gede group or become wards of the Gede spirits. This means it is helpful to us to find ways to connect with them! A really easy and simple way to do that is through a Boutey Piman (Pepper Bottle). This is the traditional drink for Gede spirits!

Start by prepping your cup and candle. This is your primary method of communication between you and the spirits that guide you. Announce to them that you are going to be making a bottle for The Ancestors and Gede by holding the cup and candle in both hands, lifting it up and just verbally setting your intentions. Intentions can include having your spirits visit you in your dreams, honoring the memory of an ancestor or making a petition to gain something.

You can use a cup like this or simply a white cup you already own:

You can also use a Baron or Brigitte spirit candle like this for a lasting impression:

You can use a simple white, purple or black candle like this for a quick/long burn:

Then get 17 or 21 peppers. The traditional peppers are Scotch Bonnet or Habenero but there is flexibility here depending on what kind of pepper you can find. Just make sure the peppers are whole. If you have to cut them for it to fit through the top of the bottle, that's fine! Just be sure you started with whole pieces.

Get your bottle of Vodka or White Rhum and put the peppers in. Brands are not so important but if you can support a Haitian owned brand like Barbencourt, that is always a plus! 

Then place your bottle where you keep your spiritual tools (typically the altar), and use it as needed. If you are hosting a ceremony for Gede next year, it is a good idea to make two bottles. One for everyday use and the other for next year so that it can continue to ferment.

The bottle for regular use can be used on Mondays to honor the gede spirits. It can stay on your altar for whenever you want to do spiritual work involving the Gede. It can be used to strengthen your connection to your ancestors. The bottle can also be used as a calling card to the Gede group and your ancestors as a source of protection against those who would harm you. 

Feel free to book a learning session to learn how to use Gede to personally address the things that are affecting you here: