My names Dakohai Matityahu, I am a Vodouisant and have been studying astrology and Vedic astrology for the last 10 years. I believe and know that Astrological knowledge enhances our emotional intelligence by providing insights into our own and others' emotional tendencies, aiding in understanding, empathy, and effective communication. My mission in this world is to reconnect humanity with the laws of nature below are the services that I provide.
45 min Natal Chart assessment 65.00
- The Natal Chart uses the stars, placements and relationships on the day of your birth, this session gives you a quick insight into what you may need to change, and what you may need to add onto to move forward with endeavors in life.
75 min Natal chart counseling, 85.00
- Using the natal chart we will go in depth into your chart and compare it to the problem that you were having then I will be able to help you create a game plan for whatever situation and a problem you’re experiencing.
The consult is interactive and will be done via video call. Please prepare to share your birthday, location and time of birth for the most complete consultation.
After your purchase, you will be contacted with follow up instructions for your consultation time within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours over the weekend.
If you want a same day appointment please text 954-326-4000. If you get in touch with us after 4:30 for a same day appointment you will be charged an additional $20 after hours service fee.
Please do not purchase the after hours option until you have talked to one of our representatives. We will assume you want us to have it and WE WILL KEEP IT! Neg Ginen, Dakohai Matityahu (and the Neg Ginen, Dakohai Matityahu brand) is an independent contractor and although you can pay for a consultation via the site, every other issue regarding, pricing, refunds should be discussed with them. This product has no refunds however any other services or products purchased from them after wards should be discussed between you and your consultant.